Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Ceo Closeup: Sabre's Gilliland Personalizes Travel

For instance, say you really, really want to be published inNational Geographic Traveler.Read every single issue, read the blog, and put yourself in the mindset of the people who are putting it together. Know inside out what that person is looking for, what it takes to get a story published in the magazine, or what it takes to get a piece published on the blog. Really devote yourself to that. If that is your goal, work at it. Focusing in that way will maximize your chance for success.

"We have this opportunity as we roll out products, a particular model we get a lot of immediate feedback, and it helps us understand what those customers want." But he also made it a point to get face time with customers, even if the feedback was not all positive. "While those may be more painful meetings than visiting the happy customer, they're the ones that give me the opportunity and visibility into where we need to improve," he says. Gilliland believes any CEO of a travel company also has to address the problems facing the entire industry. "Unfortunately, since 9/11, the duration of travel has grown very dramatically. So you see getting from point A to point B from your doorstep to someone else's has increased dramatically," he says.

Grand Travel Worldwide has dependable deals and competitive rates offered to all of its members as well. Grand Travel Worldwide`s newly created member satisfaction department has several goals, however its primary purpose is to ensure customer satisfaction. This department is unique to Grand Travel Worldwide. Other vacation clubs provide membership packages based on how much the potential member is willing to spend. Grand Travel Worldwide uses its member satisfaction department to create customized membership plans.

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